Posts tagged brene brown
Courage: What Does it Look and Feel Like?

It takes courage to lean in to our trauma, scars, fear, and discomfort and work through the healing. It takes courage to hold hope that things can and will change. Many of us want to avoid fear, get rid of fear and be fearless. However, we cannot experience courage, growth or change without fear.

Courage often happens in the small moments just before taking an action in everyday life. We can practice ways to build our courage to be prepared for more difficult situations. The courage is within, it just needs a little help to stoke the fire.

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Building Self-Awareness

Building self-awareness is really the first step in the process of change. When we become aware that change is possible and that we, personally, can begin to take actions to make a difference in our lives, is when the transformation begins. We don’t have to let our reactions to thoughts and feelings cause us to react in ways we don’t recognize or confuse and cause shame. We can identify our triggers and take new actions to respond thoughtfully.

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The Process of Growth

If I’ve realized anything, it is that I am brave. And you can be too.
– Rachelle Niemann

I realize that I go silent here, sometimes for long stretches of time and I wanted to try and explain why that happens. I am a work in progress; I always will be. I am still learning and growing and honestly, I hope that continues forever. But sometimes during especially intense times of growth and discomfort, it’s all I can do is focus on the growth and lessons.

The truth is, for the past 3 years I’ve been in the midst of Act 2. Brene Brown discusses this as starting with an inciting incident. For me, this was the idea of becoming a parent and passing down my pain, fear, and shame to children and not being able to fully show up for them.

Spring has arrived; I’m here and I’m ready to create something real, something meaningful. If I can push through the darkness anyone can, and I’m here to support in any way I can.

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Understanding Our Reaction to Vulnerability

When finding ourselves reacting in ways we don't like, or when we are confused by our reactions, it's important to reflect to identify our shame triggers, how we react to feeling vulnerable, and find ways to respond more mindfully. Identifying these type of shame triggers helps us gain strength and stay present in the moments when we feel vulnerable rather than reacting out of fear and shame. 

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